SURE Eurodelta: Meet and Learn

18 November - 2022

The Strategic Urban Region Eurodelta (SURE) Network is a collaboration between cities and metropolitan areas in the river delta from the Rhine, Scheldt and Meuse. SURE provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and experience among practitioners in the field of economics, sustainability and spatial planning. The SURE Eurodelta invites you to learn about knowledge and ideas generated in the Eurodelta.

The State of the Circular Economy: Waste Valorization in Hong Kong and Rotterdam

Federico Savini, Associate Professor in Environmental Planning, Institutions and Politics at University of Amsterdam
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While the mainstream debate on the circular economy sells us a world of green plastic, high-end recycled consumption, makers labs, etc., behind this exciting reality lies the major challenge of construction. Construction is the big deal, it produces 60% of all waste, almost totally not reused, and it produces 10% of all emissions (just concrete, excluding all those related to steel, aluminum, timber, plastic, and all other building materials), and it is doubling towards 2030. China is the largest player in this case, but Europe will become soon, with its largely outdated stock of post-war infrastructures. Federico presents a study that he conducted together with Viktor Wildeboer.

Multimodal Infrastructure Nodes: chances for the circular economy

Ton Venhoeven Urban planner, architect and director of Venhoeven CS

Download the presentation (PDF 25mb)

As national advisor for infrastructure planning, Ton Venhoeven developed a vision on the future relation between sustainable urban planning and mobility, based on international infrastructure networks with multi-modal infrastructure nodes. Areas in the vicinity of these nodes can be used as places for storage and processing in the circular economy. Strategically chosen sites can benefit ambitions for sustainable transportation in the Sure Eurodelta.

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