SURE Working Group Meeting – January 2022 2022

28 January - 2022

Metropolitan Industrial Strategies & Economic Sprawl (MISTA)

10.00-11.00 CET

The SURE Eurodelta working group organises in 2022 four webinars that contribute to cross boarder collaboration in the Eurodelta by exchanging knowledge on sustainable urban spatial-economic development.

We start these seminars with the presentation of the ESPON research Metropolitan Industrial Strategies & Economic Sprawl (MISTA). The researchers explored, together with local stakeholders, how industrial land and production have changed in metropolitan areas over the last three decades – which includes analysis on the evolution the types of activities as well as in territorial evolution. These changes often don’t align with the ambitions of local and regional stakeholders that are looking for ways to prioritize sustainable urban development. How do you keep manufacturing and production within the cities?

This research involved innovative economic analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the seven stakeholder cities (Vienna (lead stakeholder), Oslo, Berlin, Warsaw, Riga, Turin and Stuttgart), the development of scenarios for cities and the compilation of a collection of inspirational cases to offer cities practical policy and development opportunities.

For more information see: MISTA – Metropolitan Industrial Strategies & Economic Sprawl


Welcome by chair Dr. Peter Pol, City of Den Haag

Presentation of the ESPON research: MISTA – Metropolitan Industrial Strategies & Economic Sprawl; Speakers: Adrian Hill (Osmosnetwork / spatial planner), Valeria Fedeli (POLIMI / project coordinator) and Peter Huber (WIFO / economist)s

Questions and discussions

Closing remarks Dr. Peter Pol

If you are already a member of the SURE Network, you will have received an invitation and link for this meeting. If you are not a member of the network, and are interested in attending this meeting, please contact