ASSET Webinar: Meet & Learn #Circular Construction Rules and Spatial Consequences

27 September - 2024 , Online via MS Teams

Metrex-series on EU Policies Explained

Circular Construction Rules and Spatial Consequences

September 27 – 2024, Online via MS Teams


Are you curious about the impact of the ‘storm’ of European laws and regulations coming our way regarding circular construction? In this session, CircuLaw will take us by the hand in an exploration into some important ongoing developments, such as the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), ways of promoting circularity within the field of public procurement, and much more. We will also discuss together: how can your municipality or province play a pioneering role towards a circular future?


When: Friday, 27 September 2024, 12:00 – 14:00 (CEST)

Where: Online via MS Teams (join the meeting via this link)

Costs: Free to attend for anyone interested




12.00 -12.10       

Welcome and introduction to the Program

Peter Pol, City of The Hague (program initiator)

Henk Bouwman, METREX (moderator)


12.10 – 12.40      

EU legal framework as concerns the circular economy regulation in the construction sector Eveline Bakker and Fanauw Hoppe, CircuLaw. Presentation of a dedicated position paper on the topic and explaining the most important European legislation on circular construction and their consequences for actors involved. They also will talk about the translation of European regulations into national and local policies.

12:40 – 13:05

The Local authority level with Chandar van der Zande, City of Amsterdam, Circular and Biobased Built Environment. Presentation of circular policies in Amsterdam, realized and planned circular projects and experiences with European, national and local rules.

13:05 – 13:25      

Private developer and contractor: Dura Vermeer Joeri Schutte will explain how Dura Vermeer is working with circularity. He will present actual projects and will elaborate on relevant rules that work and those that are counterproductive.

13:25 – 13:50      

Plenary discussion

Does the current EU -regulation help to stimulate circularity in the construction sector and to what spatial effects do it lead in urban regions?

Does it eventually lead to unwanted (spatial) side effects in urban regions?

What are good rules, rules that do not work, and desired new rules?

13:50 – 14:00       

Main takeaways of the session and follow-up steps for the next physical conference on this theme


About Asset 

ASSET stands for ‘A Spatial Strategy for the Eurodelta, boosting the circular transition of the builT environment’. This project, funded by Interreg North-West Europe, brings together people from cities, regions, and organizations across the Eurodelta who are passionate about accelerating the circular economy in this densely populated area. What do we need for the circular transition? And how do we organize it spatially?

Every month, we invite a different expert to share their view on these questions in one of our Meet & Learn webinars. Have a look at this page for upcoming sessions and past recordings.