Webinar #10 Smart Economic Specialization and Spatial Conditions
11 June - 2021
Welcome and introduction
Peter Pol, City of The Hague
Presentation Smart Economic Specialization and Spatial Conditions
Dmitri Domanski, Projectmanager innovation networks at Metropole Ruhr Business
Reference on Smart Economic Specialization and Spatial Conditions
Johan van Zoest, Strategist at Municipality of Amsterdam
SURE Webinar Looking forward to the network activities in the coming year
Welcome and introduction
Chair: Erik Pasveer, City of Amsterdam
SURE network – organisation
- Rotating secretariat of SURE Network (presented by the city of The Hague)
- Website of SURE Network on updated METREX website
Update Digital Event EU Regions Week
- Outline program of SURE Webinar
- Opportunities of INTERREG-programme
Eurodelta Knowledge Platform & Next Generation Podium
Wrap up and closing of the SURE Webinar